וואָס הינטעלע איז בעסער צו נעמען: אַ יינגל אָדער אַ מיידל?
סעלעקציע און אַקוואַזישאַן

וואָס הינטעלע איז בעסער צו נעמען: אַ יינגל אָדער אַ מיידל?

As a rule, dog owners choose a pet based on personal preferences. Usually pay attention to the appearance of the puppy and its character. But for some people, the gender of the pet is also important. This issue is especially acute when choosing a thoroughbred dog.

Participation in breeding

As you know, there are three classes of dogs: pet, show and breed. But only half of them can participate in breeding. So, pet class animals are not allowed to be mated. Breed-class males are also not highly valued and are rarely bred. What can not be said about bitches that are capable of producing excellent puppies in terms of purebredness and compliance with standards. The main thing is a well-chosen partner.

Males and females of show class can participate in breeding without any problems. These are winners of various championships, dogs closest to the standard. By the way, these puppies are not cheap, these are the most valuable specimens from the litter.

If you do not plan to seriously engage in breeding, get a puppy of the pet class or no breed at all, you should pay attention to the gender characteristics of the character.

Boys: strength and education

Direct, honest, stubborn – three qualities that characterize males. They need a strong hand, because almost all boys strive for leadership in the “pack”. In the first place in the issue of raising a dog is competent training. But be prepared for the fact that boys often show independence and independence.

After puberty, the pet will require regular mating. If the owner allows this process to take its course and allows the dog to interact closely with yard dogs, there is a high probability that the pet will become infected with a sexually transmitted disease. In addition, without proper upbringing, the male will pull the leash and run away for a walk as soon as he spots a female on the horizon. The only solution to the problem in this case is castration.

As for appearance, males tend to be stronger, heavier and larger than females. Physically, they are stronger and stronger. This is also worth considering.

Girls: emotionality and affection

When it comes to the nature of bitches, most owners admit that girls are more docile and affectionate. They are more emotional than males and are more attached to the family. A bitch doesn’t have to prove her superiority. Therefore, the girl is calmer and more loyal to children, even to those who appeared in the house after her.

However, there are some features of keeping female dogs. For example, 2-3 times a year they have estrus – a psychophysiological process that is accompanied by spotting. In addition to being unhygienic, because not all dogs lick themselves on time, sexual hunting creates certain difficulties on a walk. Dogs, led by the specific smell of the bitch, can track her down and pester her. The task of the owner is to prevent interbreeding, drive away and divert such “suitors”. Most often, the owners for the period of estrus simply change the place of the walk and reduce its time. A more radical solution to the problem is the sterilization of the animal. The same method is suitable if you do not plan to breed a dog at all.

Choosing a puppy, you should not be guided only by its gender. It is much more important to choose a pet that is close to you in temperament and character. Not only the way of life depends on this, but also mutual understanding, harmony in the relationship between the owner and the dog.

פאָטאָ: זאַמלונג / iStock

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