ווו איז דער בעסטער פּלאַץ צו קויפן ווייץ פֿאַר טשיקאַנז?

ווו איז דער בעסטער פּלאַץ צו קויפן ווייץ פֿאַר טשיקאַנז?

Whole-grain or crushed additives are often used in feeding chickens, especially if they are not in the feed that you give them. This is necessary as grains are important sources of retina and carbohydrates. Some farms themselves choose what will be included in ready-made feed kits and buy fodder wheat in bulk.

To feed the bird, you must first grind the wheat so that it is without a shell. Since the sharp ends of the grains can be dangerous and traumatic for the chicken stomach and intestines. If the grain has not been ground, do not try to feed it to chickens. Sometimes crushed or granulated wheat is found, this is convenient, but less useful, since such wheat partially loses its properties.

ווו איז דער בעסטער פּלאַץ צו קויפן ווייץ פֿאַר טשיקאַנז?

There is no more famous and popular grain crop than wheat. It is actively grown, and wheat is also an excellent source of complex carbohydrates that improve the metabolism of chickens. Today there are approximately nineteen wheat varieties. This delicious cereal can be given to birds as a main meal, and also partially added to various feed mixtures.

In order to enrich the feed for high-performance chickens, livestock specialists, when developing their menu, add sprouted wheat to the compound feed. This type of wheat is rich in vitamin E, which accounts for about 30-40 grams per bird per day. If you have whole cereal, then before feeding it to chickens, be sure to crush it. The most suitable grain size is about 12 millimeters in cross section. In the case when you give a semi-liquid mixture, the grains need to be crushed even smaller, so that they are better and faster absorbed by the chicken’s body. In addition to wheat, other cereals are often added to the feed: oats, barley, millet. But wheat remains one of the most popular ingredients. This cereal is sold on farms, elevators. Now you can find feed wheat even in online stores. It can be purchased at wholesale and retail. Wheat is usually packed in bags weighing about 30 kg. and you can buy one such bag for 500-600 rubles. There is no point in buying in bulk if you keep a bird in your yard and are not a breeder on a large scale. It turns out that you take a kilogram of wheat for 17 rubles. But if we are talking about wholesale, then the cost of one kg will be about 4 rubles, which is much more economical.

ווו איז דער בעסטער פּלאַץ צו קויפן ווייץ פֿאַר טשיקאַנז?

It is worth buying whole wheat and threshing it yourself, because when it comes into contact with oxygen, crushed wheat undergoes a rapid oxidation process and loses its beneficial properties. Therefore, it is better to buy it in parts, and until the hens peck, do not buy too much.

When looking for a place to buy grain, remember that crushed wheat can also be purchased at a bakery. In short, it is called “crushed”, and most often you can buy it in retail, where crushed is packed in bags weighing 35 kg. Often it is sold on farms or immediately at bread factories.

Naturally, the formation of prices is directly related to the yield of wheat in a particular area. At a time when one ton of wheat of the second category cost under fifteen thousand, due to low rainfall and poor harvest. Then the price of fodder wheat also rose. Because of this, people interested in buying feed grains need to keep an eye on price changes, and buy wheat for poultry during harvest times.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן