לינדאָווסקייַאַ האָדעווען גיס: אַדוואַנידזשיז, דיסאַדוואַנטידזשיז, ברידינג פֿעיִקייטן און פאָטאָס

לינדאָווסקייַאַ האָדעווען גיס: אַדוואַנידזשיז, דיסאַדוואַנטידזשיז, ברידינג פֿעיִקייטן און פאָטאָס

Lindovskaya breed belongs to the heavy type of geese. This species is one of the most popular among farmers. Geese of this category are the best in the world, the breed was founded in 1994. This variety of geese was obtained by crossing Russian geese with Chinese waterfowl, resulting in a very hardy breed.

The improvement of this species took place by crossing with the Ladzher and Arzamas breeds. This gave an improvement in growth as well as feather and down quality. After all the interactions, the breed has become very popular all over the world, and in Russia this species exceeds 50% of the total population. It is pleasant to consider the Nizhny Novgorod region as the birthplace of this species.

Features of the Lindovskaya breed of geese

This variety can be called an early maturing breed, which is distinguished by a large physique. Their weight usually does not exceed 8 kg, but even here there are individuals who achieve record highs in weight. As for the geese, they will weigh up to 7 kg.

Geese have a large head, with a well-defined bump on it, massive body and white color plumage. Just by this characteristic bump, you can recognize a representative of the Lindov breed. This feature is clearly visible in the photo.

Goose eggs range in weight from 140 to 170 grams. About 50 eggs can be obtained per year, which indicates הויך יי פּראָדוקציע. Eggs have a high fertility. The probability of getting goslings in the incubator reaches 80%.

Geese are good mother hens, so the survival rate of young goslings reaches 90%. Already after two months of life, their weight will be about four kilograms, and after eight months קומענדיק פון עלטער. The chicks are not like adults (as in many birds), they are covered with yellow fluff. In the above photo, males and females, it is obvious that it is difficult to distinguish one from the other in this period by external signs.

האָדעווען בענעפיץ

As mentioned above, geese are fast growing. If you follow the rules of care, then in five months their weight will exceed 7 kilograms, and after a year of life, the weight will exceed 11 kilograms, which is much faster than in other species. It is also worth noting the appearance of eggs: with the right diet, you can get 1-2 eggs per day.

Advantages of breeding geese of the Lindovskaya breed

High survival rate will allow raising geese almost without losses. They have ויסגעצייכנט ימיונאַטי and very persistent. In addition, you do not need to select special food for goslings. After two weeks of life, they are already fully adapted to adult food.

It will be very important for farmers meat qualitywhich is at a fairly high level. Goose meat is juicy, soft and very tasty. In addition, it will help to fill the deficiency of many vitamins in the body. It is worth remembering that goose meat is quite fatty, so people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreas) should eat it with great care.

This variety can be bred almost anywhere. They are have good adaptability to changes in the weather. Geese can be bred even in the cold north, where they do not lose their positive qualities, the main thing is to provide them with the necessary conditions.

The Lindow goose is a very peaceful bird. They do not conflict with others and get along well with neighbors. This aspect is very important in the economy with different types of birds. Lindow geese calm and non-aggressive, therefore, will not terrorize the rest of the inhabitants.

So, the advantages of the breed:

  • אָמניוואָראַס;
  • שנעל גראָוט;
  • high egg production;
  • non-aggressiveness;
  • quality meat and eggs.

It very profitable breed, because with proper care, the profit can exceed 100%. It is also worth noting that due to the rapid growth of goslings and their adaptability to adult nutrition, very good savings in feed are obtained.

דיסאַדוואַנטידזשיז פון די האָדעווען

Yet these are imperfect animals, like everyone else, they have their weak points. Geese exposed hymenolipedosis disease. It is caused by parasitism of cestodes in the intestines of birds, mainly goslings get sick.

Symptoms of hymenolipedosis in chicks:

  • pronounced growth retardation;
  • loose stools, partial or complete intestinal obstruction;
  • constant weakness;
  • incoordination and seizures.

Unfortunately, hymenolipedosis can be fatal. Chicks die with convulsions. This disease is treated with anthelmintic drugs prescribed by a veterinarian.

During a long absence of walking and when taking monotonous food, geese may experience beriberi. But this drawback is rather arbitrary, since it is typical not only for the Lindov goose.

And the last – more a feature than a drawback – Linda demand constant access to waterotherwise their value will decrease. These birds do not have enough purchased food, no matter how good it is. Lindowskie geese need to be regularly taken to the pond, otherwise they start to get sick and stop growing actively.

As can be seen from the above, the breed has much more pluses than minuses. It is necessary to observe only the correct care and the shortcomings will be invisible or completely disappear.

To keep geese, you need set up a poultry housein which you should install a drinking bowl and constantly change the water. It is also necessary to pay attention to the construction of nests and their correct placement. For placement, it is worth choosing a dark and warm corner so that the bird feels safe, the nests should be on the floor. One nest is designed for about three geese. The bottom should be strewn with sawdust or straw.

I must say that you should not save on space. Birds need enough space, they should not be crowded, otherwise their useful qualities will be lost. If there is no possibility of walking, then you need to create an appropriate atmosphere in order to maintain the biorhythm cycle of these birds. Necessary create good lighting up to 12 hours and every month to extend by an hour. It is rational to use compound feed with a protein content, otherwise the geese will not rush.

In addition, you need to carefully monitor the health of geese. If any of the birds looks sick, you need to urgently isolate it from others and show the vet. Geese have diseases that are transmitted from one individual to another. That is why it is so important to notice the disease in time and prevent it from spreading.


A very big plus is that these birds are omnivores. They will eat greens, mixed fodder, root crops. It is better to give compound feed to goslings in the first two weeks, it is well absorbed and in 3 months you can get up to five kilograms of weight.

After a month of life, they can be given broiler food, as a result, the body will develop well, and by the fifth month the weight will already be more than seven kilograms. Upon reaching this weight, usually slaughtering or transfer to cheap feed occurs. If you want to achieve more weight, you will have to spend time and money on feed.

It is worth saying that it is very important for goslings nutrient balance. It is on him that the proper development of the body will depend. After the goslings are ripe for walking, up to 120 days, the percentage of protein should be equal to fourteen. And after that, ordinary grain will be enough. Also, after walking, you should not worry about other nutrients, because the greens will make up for all this.


The goose can begin to lay eggs even with the slightest impact on it. A good age for laying eggs is 180 days, but it sometimes happens that the first eggs appear after three months. To successfully breed this breed, there must be enough food so that the geese didn’t need anything. Otherwise, not everyone will rush.

As a rule, geese begin to rush from the end of February and throughout the spring. Birds become restless, looking for a nest. The first two eggs are mostly unfertilized but must not be removed or the individual will leave the nest. After that, you need to pick up each new egg and store at a temperature of 5 to 12 degrees, turning them over every other day.

נייטיק mark days the appearance of eggs and the number of geese. If the bird does not leave the nest for several days, then more eggs can be placed under it, depending on its size.

As you hatch, you can see that the goose leaves its nest. This happens for no more than 20 minutes, she should not be prevented from doing this, but you need to make sure that the eggs are not cold. After two weeks, you need to spray the eggs with warm water.

30 days will pass, and the first goslings will appear. For a while they need to dry under the mother. Then you should cauterize the umbilical cord with iodine. After all, they are all placed in a box and created for them וואַרעם סוויווע with a temperature of about 28 degrees. After a short time, the goslings are given to their mother, who herself will take care of their health.

When breeding geese, you need to know a number of rules:

  1. Light. If the chicks are not ten days old, then it is necessary that the light be throughout the day. As they grow older, the light regimen can be reduced to 14 hours.
  2. Stress. Babies should be in a calm environment.
  3. Food. If the goslings do not walk, then they need to be supplied with all the necessary vitamins, and if the young are cut periodically, then you should not worry about the lack of vitamins.
  4. Safety. It is worth vaccinating geese to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

It is worth saying that the first forty-five days of life is better not to walk the goslings. And then start grazing them. This will result in healthier adults with well-developed positive traits.

Breeding geese in Russia

Our country is in conditions of fierce competition with European countries. Today it is more profitable to buy geese abroad. And if it is cheaper to buy elsewhere, then why develop your own economy. All this, unfortunately, confuses Russian farmers and the industry as a whole.

Russia becomes completely dependent on other countries in this area, and this is very bad. The country must clearly understand need for development of our own manufacturer, so that in case of unforeseen situations there is always our own products.

Strengthened breeding of such a beautiful breed as the Lindov geese would be גרויס הילף in the further development of domestic farming. This breed ranks first worldwide and is the most common in breeding.

The quality of meat, size, down and plumage make the Lindow geese undeniable leaders in the global market. Geese of this breed along the father’s line can reach a mass of up to 13 kilograms, and two months later goslings reach six kilograms. The maternal line is distinguished by its lower weight, but high egg production, which can reach up to 70 pieces per season.

Given the fact that birds are omnivores and do not require special conditions of keeping, it becomes possible to keep a large number of geese, with further breeding and sale abroad, this would allow our country become a leader in implementation דעם פּראָדוקט.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן