קען איך באַקומען אַ הונט אָדער קאַץ אויב איך האָבן אַלערדזשיז?
זאָרגן און וישאַלט

קען איך באַקומען אַ הונט אָדער קאַץ אויב איך האָבן אַלערדזשיז?

What should I do if I have allergies and want to have a pet? Are there hypoallergenic breeds? Is there a chance that the allergy will go away on its own? Let’s dot the “i” in our article.

The decision to adopt a pet should be considered. Before bringing a pet into the house, experts recommend making sure that neither you nor other members of your family are allergic to it. With this approach, the problem disappears by itself.

But often the situation develops according to a different scenario. The man did not suspect that he had an allergy until he brought a pet home. And now he gets a whole set of symptoms: stuffy nose, watery eyes, sneezing and coughing. What to do in such a situation? Where to run? Give the animal back?

It is important to understand what exactly caused the allergic reaction. An allergen can be wool, skin particles, saliva or pet excrement. And it happens that an allergy occurs not to the pet itself, but to its attributes: for example, to a filler or to an antiparasitic spray. There are frequent cases when a person thought that he was allergic to a cat, but it turned out that the cat had nothing to do with it and shampoo was to blame for everything. Nice twist!

If you have an allergic reaction, visit an allergist and get tested to identify the allergen. Until the results of the tests are received, it is better to limit contact with the pet.

When you know what exactly you are allergic to, it will be easier to decide on the purchase of a pet. If you are allergic to specific animals, you should not start them. If you are allergic to fur – however much you like fluffy cats, for example – it is best to stay away from them. Health is no joke!

קען איך באַקומען אַ הונט אָדער קאַץ אויב איך האָבן אַלערדזשיז?

Allergy is an insidious enemy. Sometimes it manifests itself very sharply, sometimes it subsides, and sometimes it disappears altogether.

A person may never have had an allergy to animals, and suddenly it manifests itself. It happens that an allergy occurs only to a certain cat, and you are in contact with the rest normally. It happens that a mild allergic reaction occurs upon first contact with a pet, and then passes, and you live perfectly with him in the same apartment and sleep on the same pillow. The body seems to adapt to the allergen and stops responding to it, but this is not always the case. There are many other, opposite, cases when the allergy accumulated, intensified and led to complications: for example, asthma.

A mild allergic reaction may go away on its own and never reappear, or it may cause serious complications. Be sure to consult with an allergist. Don’t risk your health!

Hypoallergenic breeds are, unfortunately, a myth. There are no such breeds of cats or dogs that are suitable for all allergy sufferers without exception.

It’s about the allergen. If you’re allergic to wool, you can actually get a hairless dog or cat and you’ll be fine. Everything is more complicated if you are allergic to dandruff or saliva. But there are always options. Maybe, if it didn’t work out with a dog or a cat, rodents, turtles, parrots or aquarium fish are perfect for you?

קען איך באַקומען אַ הונט אָדער קאַץ אויב איך האָבן אַלערדזשיז?

We wish you a strong immune system and those pets that will suit you in all respects!



לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן